Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Psychological Effects of Physical Child Abuse Essay

Physical child abuse has grown dramatically in recent years. There are news stories about children being abused or neglected everyday. Physical abuse will cause the child to have many psychological effects throughout life. Although people might not realize, society can impact an abused child dramaticlly either positively or negatively. Even though there are many things wrong with child abuse, there are many controversies over how serious it is and how to prevent it from happening. Although there are so many controversies over child abuse, one thing for certain is that it can cause many problems psychologically either immediately or long term. Research has proven that the statistics of child abuse have risen worldwide. In the United†¦show more content†¦Although child abuse is everywhere, certain household characteristics have been known to have more reported cases of abuse than others. It is thought that abnormal families are more likely to present child abuse than a family with normal characteristics. Studies show that professionals are more likely to report if the family is colored, poor, or led by a single woman(Mankiller). Although it is not proven, researchers believe that children are more prone to abuse in those household types. Substance abusers are more likely to abuse their children than non substance-abusers. Substance abuse can cause someone to not think straight or may lead them to not realize what they are doing. Another leading factor to abuse is poverty. When parents feel as if they can’t afford to support the child, they may become aggravated which may lead to abuse(Bean Child). Even though studies have shown that these houshold characteristics have shown more reports or cases of abuse, it does not mean that all houses with those characteristics have abuse present. Along with the statistics come the stories of children that have been abused. There are so many heart breaking stories of children being abused. Not every story is spread worldwide, but none are more important than another. The ones that are shared show us how trajic child abuse really is. Six-year-old Oscar Jimenez Jr. was beaten to death by hisShow MoreRelatedChild Sexual Abuse And Children1301 Words   |  6 PagesChild sexual abuse effects tens of thousands of children, and young teens every year. With the rate of this issues, parents and other adults are not prepared nor willing to deal with problems of their children or family members been sexual abused. Child sexual abuse can take many forms, but it’s always a violation of a young person’s rights, and it increases the risk of many adverse physical and mental health conditions. 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