Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Geography Assessment Task 1 2015 Essay

Geography Assessment Task 1 2015 Essay Geography Assessment Task 1 2015 Essay Biophysical Interactions-Deforestation in the Biosphere [Case study on Deforestation: The Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra] Map of Sumatra Listed as the sixth largest island in the world, Sumatra is home to a vast variety of flora and fauna that exemplify ecological uniqueness thus inscribed the UNESCO World Heritage List due to its biodiversity therefore, at high risk of extinction and is expected to disappear in twenty five years’ time. The Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra comprises of three national parks: Gunung Leuser National Park, Kerinci Selblat National Park, and the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park. These parks are stretched along the Bukit Barisan Mountain Range towards the western side of Sumatra. Deforestation is a major issue that recently has been acknowledged by authority recently, with new laws and regulations in place to protect forests around the world. This issue has highly affected the biosphere of the Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra and its cause has been the human activity over the past hundred years or so. Once a rainforest has been deforested, it becomes difficult to re- establish or regenerate. Gunung Leuser National Park Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park Kerinci Selblat National Park Having an impressively diverse biota in the world, with at least ten thousand inhabitants that are endemic, individuals in Sumatra over time have taken this for granted establishing an inevitable situation in our generation where flora such as medicinal plant species and animals such as local elephants and tigers, pushing these endangered flora and fauna to extinction. In the Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra, lives 50% of Sumatra’s fauna including the world’s tallest flower the Amorphophallus titanum(figure1) and the world’s largest flower Rafflesia Arnoldii (figure 2) , also fauna that only exists in Sumatra, the Sumatran Tiger(figure 3) and the Sumatran Orang-utan(figure 4). Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Containing the 'last and largest sources commercially valuable hardwoods in Asia', the area is threatened by illegal logging, agriculture and settlements, the poaching of large animals and the proposal of new roads along the Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra. It is estimated that ‘the highest rate of deforestation of any major tropical region, could lose up to three quarters of its original rainforests by 2100 and up to 24% of its biodiversity’. At this point of time, the prediction seems sceptical to most individuals but day by day, every portion of the rainforest is one step closer to extinction (evident in figure 5 and 6). This is due to the increasing population of humans resulting in a higher demand for resources from water to the flora and fauna species itself. Therefore, the deforestation through both illegal and legal human activities has caused the rainforest to gradually degrade. Figure 5 Figure 6 Being a tropical island, Sumatra has a tropical wet climate making it moderately humid. The annual temperature in Sumatra is 26.2Â °C whilst its annual precipitation is 2125 mm. Figure 6 and 7 indicates the average temperate monthly and annually, showing the range of temperature from the hottest day to the coldest day of each month and year. Figure 6 Figure 7 On average, there are 166 days a year with

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Coaching essays

Coaching essays A coach receives little to no respect because it is hard to understand what it is a coach goes through everyday. One must only understand the barriers, obstacles, or blind spots that are in the way that hide the answers from view. This is where coaches and coaching comes in. With their assistance, knowledge, and encouragement, athletes can overcome these problems on a playing field, in a gym, or even in everyday life. In effect, they also act as counselors. Once these skills are mastered, a coach can teach kids to handle lifes pressures and give them the confidence, which helps not only in practices and game situations, but also in the game of life. In todays world of high school sports, being a coach can be complicated in comparison to earlier years. For example, years ago, Coaches had limited types of plays, as said in an interview by Adna basketball coach Jeff Beasley, not like now where most sports such as football or basketball have over twenty plays with many variations (Beasley). As time went on, more coaches started seeing greater possibilities due to more young people becoming athletes as well as minorities becoming integrated into sports, making for these possibilities. Minorities also added more excitement with their style of play. Other changes have occurred. This includes player abuse, both verbally and physically. The level of abuse has changed over the years. Coaches have to be very careful in how they talk to their players these days, and also how they touch a player because of the potential of misunderstandings between coach and player (Beasley). The consequences of a misunderstanding can be a lawsuit. Coaches have many factors in controlling a team. Coaching supports individuals by helping them become more productive and successful as found on the internet site What is Coaching 1. Coaches have to discover and deal with the problems that the team or an individua...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business strategy - Assignment Example Continuous upgradation of its fleet is another area of its core competency. Strategic analysis using PESTEL and Five Forces analysis suggests that Etihad operates in an attractive industry but the buying power of consumers is high due to high level of competition in the industry. However, because of their core strengths, the airline would be able to achieve its goals and mission. There is ample opportunity for growth and expansion and based on its differentiation strategy, Etihad would continue to grow. Etihad has the location advantage also but customer service is not difficult to replicate and hence, Etihad needs to pursue differentiation through the economic support of the emirate. Analysis of the business strategy helps ascertain the location of the organization within the industry environment. Strategy need not be based on rational planning or even conscious making decision assumptions (Mintzberg, 1987). Strategy can be formulated at three different levels – the corporate level, the business unit level and the functional or departmental level. This paper would analyse the business level and the functional level strategy adopted by Abu Dhabi based Etihad Airlines. Sustainable competitive advantage can be created and maintained either through market position or through core competencies (Leavy, 2003). The positioning approach can be evaluated through PESTEL analysis and the generic strategies which would reveal two dimensions of positioning – the industry attractiveness and the competitive strength. The strategic choice should be on how to leverage advantage amidst the competitive environment. The strategic choice should fit with the goals and objectives to gain competitive advantage (Allen & Helms, 2006). Porter asserts that there are three basic strategies and firms perform best by adopting one of them – cost leadership, differentiation and focus (Allen & Helms, 2006). To become an industry leader, the company must be competitive. While